
The Division of Neonatology is responsible for university teaching through which our highly qualified staff pass on knowledge of neonatology and the latest scientific findings to trainees and students. Postgraduate training and professional development are also key concerns of the division.

Simulation training in newborn reanimation is conducted regularly. This training is open to students of the Medical University of Graz as well as participants in postgraduate courses. A special team of simulation training experts has been created, and the division serves as a local and transregional training center.


Research-led teaching

Knowledge transfer includes a clinical and practical component for students that is indispensable to comprehensive care for our young patients and respectful behavior toward their parents. The Division of Neonatology is highly active in research, and students are naturally integrated into this process so that they receive a good impression of how research and patient care merge in clinical practice.

The division traditionally supervises a large number of diploma theses. The students can learn how to practice science and start conducting research on their own. Regular meetings of divisional research groups support them in their work.


Postgraduate training

The Division of Neonatology has a long-standing tradition of supervising students of the different Medical University of Graz doctoral schools. These programs ideally offer in-depth experience in scientific work. This is where students can learn how to conduct clinical trials. For years, the Division of Neonatology has also supported close national and international collaborations including stay abroad opportunities. International networks are an important component of postgraduate training in particular.

In cooperation with the American Austrian Foundation (AAF), colleagues from abroad have regularly spent several weeks at the Division of Neonatology working on professional development.

Weiterbildung Neonatologie

Neonatology training course

The Division of Neonatology organizes the annual “Neonatology Training Course”. The topics of the conference, which are explained by means of lectures on the one hand and practical examples on the other, are chosen to reflect the entire field of neonatology. The aim is to provide a comprehensive presentation of all neonatology topics. The level of the course assumes basic knowledge of neonatology and initial clinical experience.

This year's event will take place from 23.06.-27.06.2025 at the Seggau Castle Congress Center.

Paediatric Simulation Group Graz


Responsibilities and goals

Paediatric Simulation Group Graz was set up in 2014 to coordinate, plan and put into practice simulation-based training and professional development activities at the Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. Simulation training involves three main areas:

  1. (Individual) technical skills such as emergency ventilation, airway management, creation of vascular access, etc.
  2. Courses of action and medical algorithms such as immediate lifesaving measures for newborns, children and adolescents
  3. Expanded emergency measures in an interprofessional and interdisciplinary team with a focus on nontechnical skills such as communication, leadership behavior and resource management

Training activities

Since Paediatric Simulation Group Graz was founded, 30 neonatal and pediatric algorithm and team training programs have been held at Styrian hospitals and private clinics that provide obstetrics care (as of September 2021). Over 70 neonatal and pediatric emergency simulation training programs for Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine staff have been conducted at the Medical Simulation and Training Center Styria. They are complemented by team-oriented simulation training programs offered several times a month in the real work environment ("in situ") of the two intensive care units at the Division of Neonatology.


Scientific activities

In addition to offering the quality-assured simulation training described above, Paediatric Simulation Group Graz works to improve medical simulation methodology through scientific work, participates in scientific projects and the drawing up of official statements and engages in (inter)national networking with simulation experts and professional societies.


Paediatric Simulation Group Graz  

Head of Paediatric Simulation Group Graz

Lukas Peter Mileder  
T: +43 316 385 81052

Team of Paediatric Simulation Group Graz


Das Team der Paediatric Simulation Group Graz umfasst Fachärzt*innen für Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde mit Spezialisierungen in Neonatologie und Pädiatrischer Intensivmedizin. Neben der medizinisch-fachlichen Qualifikation haben alle Simulationstrainer*innen eine formale Ausbildung in medizinischer Simulation, Debriefing und Crisis Resource Management (CRM) absolviert: